If your phone catches THIS deadly Android Malware, it could explode!

Cyber security experts have warned smartphone owners about a notorious Android Malware that overloads your smartphone and causes it to burst open! Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have described the malware as a jack of all trades that can carry out a plethora of nefarious actions such as overload your Android phone with adverts, spam contacts with texts and use the android device’s computing power to even mine cryptocurrencies!

Android Malware

Kaspersky Lab also revealed that the Android Malware thus far does not spy or monitor an infected phone’s activities. However, what’s more shocking is that the malware was discovered in 20 adverts claiming to promote porn or antivirus apps!

To figure out the strength of the malware, researchers at Kaspersky intentionally infected an Android phone with the malware and witnessed that after 2 days of infection the deadly malware overloaded the phone’s battery causing it to physically warp and bulge.

Android Malware

According to Kaspersky: “These days, it’s too easy to end up with malicious apps on your smartphone, even if you’re using the official Google Play app store. The situation gets even worse when you go somewhere other than the official store – fake applications, limited security checks, and so on…”

Incidentally, in May 2017 cyber security experts at Check Point had discovered over 41 malicious apps on Google Play Store that were downloaded up to 18 million times and were rapidly spreading the trojan.

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Android Malware

(Also read: U.S. says this country is behind the WannaCry Ransomware attack)

Those apps were a part of the notorious Judy malware campaign labelled as “possibly the largest Android malware campaign ever to have been discovered on Google Play.”Luckily those apps were removed after Check Point intimated Google about the threat.

According to security firm Check Point: “In order to generate revenues for the makers of the malware, the Judy malware campaign produced fake advertising clicks.”

SEE ALSO: 7 Best Free Android Antivirus apps of 2018

Abhishek is a startup ninja who has spent his time meeting entrepreneurs and helping them tell their stories efficiently. You can find him biking around in his past time. Based out of New Delhi, he is a geek at heart, gadgets are his toys and internet technology is what keeps him going. Email: abhishek@biztechpost.com


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